ODS Breathe yourself fit and vital


Breathe fit and vital. 

Breathing is the most ordinary thing in the world. But did you know that by simply changing your breath, you can influence your nervous system? And that in turn affects your physical and mental resilience!

4 months training: breath your FREE-MAN

In this training we go deeper into the power of relaxation, breath, focus and cold. Each meeting alternates between information sharing and practical exercises. After each meeting you will be given homework and this is how you build your energy, focus and resistance step by step. After attending our training you are guaranteed to be able to work independently!

Topics covered are: What is breathing? How can the breath contribute to your health? Breathing exercises for more energy, increasing your stamina, focus, relaxation, balance, stress control, healing, energy management. Chronic stress in relation to diseases of affluence. The power of relaxation, focus and mindset and the influence of cold on it all.

Is your curiosity piqued? Then this is the time!

- Location: Grootgenhouterstraat 9, 6191 NP Beek (Genhout)
- Start of a new group with a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 10 participants. So extra focus by small groups!
- The program consists of 8 times a physical meeting of 2 hours and 8 home assignments.
- Training we give on Fridays from 14.00 to 16.00 hours.
- Start of first training: September 6
- Further planning: September 6 and 20. October 4 and 18, November 8 and 22, December 6 and 20, 2024.
- Coffee, tea and water included in each session
- Materials included in price

Note: If interested in having your own company group (minimum 6 participants), please contact info@ods-vitaal.nl

Content of program;
Lesson 1 : Breath as the key to relaxation
Lesson 2 : Positive stress
Lesson 3 : Energy management
Lesson 4 : Get in balanc
Lesson 5 : Focus
Lesson 6 : Go with the flow
Lesson 7 : Stamina
Lesson 8 : Integration in your daily life

Respiratory therapy
Coaching Mindset
Small Group Training

Grootgenhouterstraat 9
6191 NP Beek



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Other providers in the categories Yoga, Respiratory therapy, Mindfulness, Coaching Mindset, Small Group Training