ODS Free Style Swimming Training

02 October 2024

ODS Borstcrawl

During the lessons you will work under the supervision of a certified instructor. He will give you exercises and training schedules. So, next to the lessons, you will also get cracking yourself (an ODS swimming subscription might come in handy!). Lessons are in groups with individual attention to you! Next to improving your freestyle technique, the training sessions will also ensure you start your working day fully energized, since we start at 07:00.

  • The swimming practice is once a week in the morning from 07:00 to 08:00, prior to regular office hours.
  • ODS has reserved a special ODS part in the pool. There is therefore plenty of space!
  • Experts: Don’t start, though there are plenty of challenging exercises given during the advanced course. Definitely worth participating anyway.
  • Advanced: Start Wednesday mornings October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20, 27 December 4, 11, 18
  • Beginners: Start Wednesday mornings October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20, 27 December 4, 11, 18
  • The group will start with a minimum of 6 participant
  • The programme consists of 12 lessons, 3 months
  • Costs are € 49,- a months. Please note that this cost is for the participant’s own account and not for the employer!

Grab your chance now to improve your free style swimming technique and increase your energy! Log in to “MyODS,” go to “ODS freestyle swimming training” under our vitality offerings, scroll to the subscription options and complete your subscription.

Beginners freestyle course

(on Wednesday from 07:00 to 08:00): Start of a new group minimum 6 participants. Start October 2024!
Are you happy to even get to the other side of the pool when trying a lap of freestyle? Then this course is right for you! In a 12-week beginners freestyle course we will teach you the principles of freestyle swimming: How do I breathe during freestyle? What is important in performing the stroke? Under the supervision of a certified coach you are taught the main aspects of the freestyle technique!

Entry level: able to swim non-stop freestyle for 0-100m.

Advanced freestyle course

(on Wednesday from 07:00 to 08:00): Start of a new group minimum 6 participants. Start October 2024!
When you’ve already mastered freestyle swimming, but are eager to improve your technique, the advanced training course is the perfect fit for you. In this course we tackle every element of the stroke. From your body position to the way your hand enters the water and from pulling your arm through the water to breathing. All technical aspects of the stroke will be addressed! This course mainly focuses on the technical aspects (and why you do certain things) of the stroke and less on mileage during the lessons.

Entry level: able to swim at least 150m non-stop freestyle.

Location and itinerary

Zwembad de Geusselt
Discusworp 4
6225 XP Maastricht

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