Fit and Brave


Fit and Brave is a gym specialising in TacFit and Krav Maga.

Fit and Brave are located in Maastricht, where they offer group lessons in TacFit and Krav Maga. Of course, they also provide 1-on-1 training sessions in which they work specifically on the client's wishes and goals. 

TacFit is a challenging, intensive training method aimed at improving overall fitness and stamina. With TacFit, you train in a functional way and work on strength, flexibility, mobility and stamina. The exercises are based on movements encountered in everyday life and are designed to train your body in a safe and effective way.

Krav Maga
Krav Maga is an Israeli martial art that focuses on self-defence in realistic situations. Designed to be fast and effective, it uses techniques from various martial arts and self-defence methods. Krav Maga is suitable for everyone, regardless of age, gender or physical condition.

Personal Trainer
Combat training
Krav Maga
Women Defense

Franciscus Romanusweg 50a
6221 AH Maastricht



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Other providers in the categories Personal Trainer, Combat training, Krav Maga, TacFit, Women Defense