Lifestyle Coaching
Everyone is powerful. And can change things.
During coaching sessions, you work together step by step on your more positive lifestyle. And they do so with a broad perspective. First they look for what really motivates you. Then they come up with a feasible plan with concrete action points from different angles.
What is lifestyle coaching?
Dru Yoga class in Lanaken
Unwind to yourself during your weekly yoga session. Dru Yoga is a calm yoga style with flowing movement sequences and breathing. Through attentive movements you release blockages. You do yoga postures, breathing techniques and the occasional meditation. And the best part of the class? The long deep relaxation.
Why Dru Yoga?
Therapeutic yoga
Targeted yoga can help you with illness or health issues. For example, yoga for a healthier back, relaxation for burnout, yoga for cancer. You can add it to your existing therapy. They start with individual sessions. Then you can move on to group sessions.
At "Huis voor Positive Leefstijl" classes are offered weekly. The different class times can be found on the website of "Huis voor Positieve Leefstijl".
Due to vacations, there are no classes during the month of August.
Kineplus Lanaken
Maaseikersteenweg 130
3620 Lanaken