Swimming pool Hoensbroek (Otterveurdt)

In this cosy accommodation, you can go on all days of the week to challenge yourself, relax, do something fun or learn something new. You will always find an activity here that suits you. Please note; for Free recreational on Wednesdays, weekends and holidays you pay an additional €2 p/p. Any one-off cost magnetic strip €7.50.


The offer

Activity Additional payment member*
Lane swimming 0,00
Recreational swimming Wednesday/weekend and school 2,00
Recreational swimming short Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 0,00
Recreational swimming up to 3 years Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 0,00
Recreational swimming up to 3 years Wednesday and weekend 0,00
Baby and toddler swimming
Family swimming 0,00
Aquarobics 4,00
Aqua jogging 4,00
Breast crawl / back crawl course 4,00


*ODS-Vitaal is not responsible for price changes of activities and facilities at the pool.
Participation and reservation are only possible with an ODS-Vitaal swimming subscription.