Swimming pool De IJzeren Man

Have a great time in the waves of the beautiful swimming pool de IJzeren Man in Weert. Discover the possibilities of the competition pool or take part in various water activities. Experience a wonderful day out in the swimming pool, water-ski track and beach club.

Would you like to go swimming at the De IJzeren Man swimming pool in Weert? First send an email to info@zwembadweert.nl stating the following information: first name, last name, date of birth, telephone number and ODS card number. An ODS account will then be created for you and you will receive an email with your username and password. From that moment on you can come swimming with your ODS pass.


The offer

Activity Additional payment member*
Lane swimming 0,00
Recreational swimming 0,00
Waterskiing up to 17 years Variable costs
Waterskiing from the age of 18 Variable costs


The aqua classes are hugely popular, which has led to full groups and even a waiting list. This means that with an ODS subscription, you cannot use these classes at the moment, unfortunately.

Good news for water sports enthusiasts! Waterskiing is an available activity until October. Find more information and actions under our vitality offer.

Maximum capacity and reservations: To ensure a safe and enjoyable stay in our pool, we have a maximum capacity of 750 people. To avoid disappointment at the gate, it is necessary to book your visit in advance via our webshop.

*ODS-Vitaal is not responsible for price changes of activities and facilities at the pool.
Participation and reservation are only possible with an ODS-Vitaal swimming subscription.