Why do we eat more in winter?

28 October 2021
28 October 2021

Why do we eat more in winter?

Now that it’s getting colder and we often leave home in the dark and come home in the dark, we eat more. It seems that we eat more in the winter months than in the summer. Is that really the case? If we look at what our body does in the winter, it seems to be right.

Serotin, the happiness hormone
When the sun is shining and we are comfortable in our own skin, we sometimes forget to eat. In the winter, it is the other way around. According to several experts, we see that the amount of happiness hormone decreases in the winter period. This can have many causes. It means that when there is a shortage of this hormone, the body thinks it needs more food. So we’re going to eat more.

Put on a thick coat and go outside
When we go outside, we put on the winter coat and go out. Our body does everything it can to maintain our body temperature. Normally your body temperature is 37 degrees. If it goes up because of a fever or illness, that’s not nice. If our temperature drops, we want to get it back up as quickly as possible. We are therefore more likely to eat more during the cold days to get extra energy (and therefore heat).

The holiday month
December is a festive month. Yet 3 years ago I had a client who started working on his health on December 1st. On January 25, he/she had lost over 10 kg in fat. Now 3 years later this is still the case and he/she is very satisfied with it. However, this start date was very difficult for him/her. Traditionally, many delicacies were made during the holiday season. Cookies, chocolates, pies, gingerbread cookies and so on. The holidays are also months in which we eat more. For example the Christmas dinners, the oliebollen and the apple pies. The supermarkets are full of temptations. There is plenty of choice and if your amount of happiness hormone is also on the low side, we eat some extra.

Then what
Well, what is normal for one person is a difficult task for another. Eat high fiber, eat seasonal dishes and eat stews and stews. Eat fiber-rich pasta and rice. Make more conscious choices during the holidays. If there are only less healthy things to eat, make the best choice for you. When you start eating fiber-rich, the body will need more time to digest these products. As a result, more glucose enters the bloodstream and you get more energy from these dishes.

You do, the other doesn’t
What applies to one does not apply to the other. A woman gets cold faster than a man and therefore a woman will eat more quickly than the man. Yet it is the ladies who continue to exercise in the winter period. Men are more likely to opt for the winter break.

Be more aware of your diet and go for a nice walk in the winter. The sun will always improve your vitamin D absorption, making you feel happier.

Enjoy the month of November. In December I will write something about New Year’s resolutions and offer an alternative to eating too much at Christmas.

Pumpkin curry with chicken and rice


Preparation method:

Take a look at my Facebook, where I put tips, tricks and recipes on it every day that give you a helping hand. André Mostard is a Sports Nutrition Coach and has been active in the sports world for over 30 years. André regularly writes a blog for ODS with good practical tips to feel good!
Sports nutrition coach André Mostard

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